I don’t believe in status quo that presumes only candidates from major political parties have a chance to be elected as County Commissioner.

A civil stance against labels and presumptions

The toxic nature of modern politics ensnares all levels of government, even in La Plata County.  Candidates, elected officials, and government employees are often unwilling participants rather than active agitators because they are labeled by party affiliation, where they live, their occupation, or even their looks.

If I’m elected County Commissioner, I want all residents to know that I welcome all viewpoints without predetermined obligation or favor to any political party or special interest… and no B.S.

I commit my best effort to:

  • Respect, Listen, Learn, and Collaborate,
  • Be fair to all,
  • Show courage and integrity,
  • Lead by example,
  • Admit mistakes and make them right when possible,
  • Serve family, friends, neighbors, and all people that make La Plata County our home, and
  • Work my tail off.


If I follow the commitments above, I ask that citizens make sincere effort to follow the same principles of “Respect, Listen, Learn, and Collaborate.” We’re all in this together.